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"You don't know me, and I don't want to know you. Buzz off."

A thorn in everyone's side
Shadowclan Apprentice

8 moons (Ages on the 25th)

Male [cis; he/him]
Homoromantic, Homosexual

Apprentice Posts : 31/100
Mentor: Lynxshade
Training Tracker 

→ Patrols Completed:
1 Herb Collection (With Slugbelly)
→ Gatherings: --
​→ Events: Swimming Event


Warrior Posts : --/250
Training Tracker TBA

→ Patrols Completed: --


Thornpaw commission done by @dallas on Discord

What's there to say? I never knew my dad and my mom died before I was even named a stupid apprentice. Whatever. I get my kicks out of laughing at other cats or seeing them cry, I don't really care what they say or do to me. None of it really matters anyways, what's the worse that could happen, I get banished? Yeah right. I'm going to be a great warrior, who cares what anyone else says. They'll name me something like Thornroar, or something cool, something that means... Something. Until then, I'll get my kicks and learn how to be a warrior that cats fear. At least then maybe they'll care. I'll be a thorn in their sides until my last breath, maybe then they'll remember my name.


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